Survive a Plane Crash
1. When you board the plane, count the rows between your seat and the exit.
2. Read the safety card located in the seatback in front of you.
3. Properly brace for landing.
4. "Stop, go and stay low."
5. Get away from crash site as soon as possible.
- FAA Cabin Safety Expert Mac McLean
剛剛看到這個新聞,Officer: 'Miracle' that everyone survived,有一架 C-5 墜毀,於是心血來潮,跑去查了一下這個東西,不過我想有另外個原因:那就是軍用機應該在設計時就有比較高的承受外力能力吧!
像黑鷹就能承受正面、垂直和側向各 20G、20G、18G 撞擊力,同等於以 38 feet/sec 速度垂直落下時,機內人員仍然能生存。
像黑鷹就能承受正面、垂直和側向各 20G、20G、18G 撞擊力,同等於以 38 feet/sec 速度垂直落下時,機內人員仍然能生存。