
能高越嶺古道 / Nengao Cross Mountain Historic Trail

Nengao Cross Mountain Historic Trail was an important road for east/west journeys across central Taiwan in early times. The trail starts form Wushe, pass the central mountain range, and ends at Tongmen where near Mukumugi.

↑從稜線上東望太平洋。From ridge toward east.

In 1950s, Taiwan Power Company built a power line along this path under the help of the USA. In order to maintain this power line, two line stations also built on the trail. There is also a Tienchi lodge located in the middle of the trail, provide foods and blankets.
long long away ↑俯瞰舊天池山莊,2011/10造訪時仍在改建。Old Tienchi lodge, it was under rebuild when I visited it on Oct, 2011.

The western part of the trail have very little elevation gain and the path is pretty clean. However, the geology conditions cause some location of this trail are easy to collapse in heavy rain. The eastern part of the trail have moderate elevation change and hundred meters of landslide terrain.

↑路況好時的大崩壁,連腳踏車都可通行。In good weather, even bikes are able to ride on the trail.

There are two peaks rising over 3000 meter near the trail. Mt. Nanhua, with a peak of 3184 m. Mt Chilai South, with a peak of 3358m.
↑奇萊南峰附近的高山草原。The view near Mt. Nanhua.

1 則留言:

rn995 提到...

層層疊疊的雲嶺好似夢境. 照片都好美!