
雨季和乾季的嘉明湖 / Jiaming Lake : Wet season vs Dry season


There are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter. Each season has its own distinct flavour and feeling, so dose Jiaming Lake. Last year, I had enough lucky to see Jiaming Lake full of water. Several months later, I take some picture when there is no rainfall for a long time.

Formosan Sambar Deer
↑嘉明湖吸引人的原因之一。Formosan Sambar Deer, one of the famous spots on Jiaming Lake.

↑低水位的嘉明湖,攝於 1 月。 Dry on Jan. .

↑湖面結冰摟!The lake was frozen several days ago.

↑湖邊一堆碎屑堆積物。Lots of debris. However, there is no source nearby.

Lake Jiaming (Full)
↑高水位的嘉明湖,攝於 10 月。Wet on Oct. . The color is beautiful.

↑和低水位相比,完全看不到石頭。Comparing with dry season, the rocks are below the water on wet season.

What kind of seasons you like? Every time you look, you will always find differences.
