
台南夜景:綠園圓環 Nightspot in Tainan, Taiwan. Part I.

民生綠園圓環 (Mincyuon Circle, Between Sec.1 Mincyuon Rd. and Jhongshian Rd.)


There are historic sites nearby, include Tainan Confucius Temple, Old Tainan Prefecture Hall, Old Tainan Joint Government Offices, Old Tainan Police Station and Old Tainan Meteorological Station.

Old Tainan Joint Government Offices
原台南州廳,Old Tainan Joint Government Offices
三腳架必備。 Tripod is necessary.

Old Tainan Prefecture Hall
原台南合同廳舍,Old Tainan Prefecture Hall
靠防手震和高 ISO 應該綽綽有餘。
Tripod is not necessary.
There is a coffee shop on side of the building (left side of the picture). I don't know about the opening hours of it, but it's going on 8 PM .

The Mincyuon Circle is also a spot. With the idea of the long exposure.

Both Old Tainan Police Station and Old Tainan Meteorological Station are lack of light. A long exposure is needed. I didn't take a good photo yet.

Part II
Part III
